Another big week! We started this week with Rachel and Braden's wedding. It was beautiful, and you got to wear your orange wedding tutu (because everyone has to have an orange wedding tutu, of course). Monday was the Summer Festival Orchestra concert and you and your fantastic rehearsal/concert companion, Lauren, made the program. The program listed all of the instruments and performers, and at the bottom was "Bellaphone" with Lauren H. noted as Bellaphonist. Well, the funny thing was, all of these professional career musicians were in the crowd and many approached your Dad having looked up the Bellaphone on their iPhones, thinking perhaps that there was an instrument new to them. Dad just held you up in the air and smiled, saying: "Bellaphone." Priceless! We had a great time going out with the Bill and Maggie after.
orange wedding tutu |
This week, you were a smiling machine, giving your best sweet eyes and smiles to everyone. You splashed in the tub for the first time, and really went at it! You started grabbing and dragging objects, and even grabbed Cow from over your head and pulled him onto your tummy. When you are happy you kick your legs and wave your arms. This week you laughed, out loud, at my hair bouncing (I lean over you and bounce my hair over my head) and also at the puppies barking at each other. We think that you might be a singer (soprano, obv.). The other day, you were singing to Dada, and he sang back to you. You would sing a little longer, so he responded by singing a little longer. Finally, you took a giant breath and saaaaaaaaaaang! Well, he did it back and you BURST into tears! Absolutely, baby-gut-wrenching-to-your-toes inconsolable bawling. He out diva-ed you and you didn't like it one little bit.
We had dinner at Julie's with friends and you were a doll. The owner, waitstaff, and various customers came to visit you because you were so sweet! We also had a visit with James W. and his Grandma and I had my first-ever Reiki session with Karen M.
We traveled to CT again this week to see Grandma and Grandpa, and also to travel to the Cape for Eric and Kate's wedding! As I was packing (8/11), you were in your crib (it is side-carred to our bed) and had your first flip over! You went from back to tummy! Then I put you back and you did it again! SO cool.
On our way to CT you slept the entire time and never cried, we chilled with Grandma and Grandpa, and Auntie Barbara Jean, Uncle Bill, Uncle Doug and Linda came over for a lovely picnic.
Our trip to the Cape was wonderful. You met KatieRay, Yoni & Elena, Mike & Anna, saw Lauren, Pat, and Natalie again, and, of course, met the couple of the weekend: Eric & Kate, and Eric's daughter, Bailey. (KatieRay reads this blog, and was hoping that I would someday write about my birthing experience with you. Mostly because she hopes I thought of her lots during the process, which I think is hilarious. I never, in my life, thought I would hear KatieRay say that she hoped I thought of her in Labor. Funny thing is, now when I think of labor, I think of KatieRay. Well done, Katie!) We saw a gorgeous sunset on the beach, dined with friends, lazed in the sand with Elena, shopped in Orleans, and you were a rockstar the whole time. While I was at the wedding, you were at The Lobster Claw, and you and Dad were so cute that you earned him a free rootbeer float! Nicely done!
Our beach night - Auntie Katie's in the middle :-) |
Week 20: (8/14-8/20)
This was get-into-the-swing-of-schoolyear-week for Dad, and prep-school-stuff-for-my-sub-week for me. We were slow on the activities and events, but you really got great with your hands and had a number of firsts! You passed a coaster and some of your toys back and forth between hands for the first time. You began squealing with laughter at tummy kisses, and you sat up, unassisted, for about 20 seconds at a time! You also found your feet with your hands and have been doing happy baby ever since. Right now you are showing left hand preferences (like Mama!) but your right hand always catches up quickly.
Midweek, Erin and Kim came over, and we had a wonderful visit (with some excitement!!!!) and they came bearing a thirtieth birthday present! It is a gorgeous Tiffany frame with a picture of you and me and behind that picture, a photo of Erin, Kim, and me. The frame sits on my office desk so that I can see you when I am working. What a beautiful present! At the end of this week, we had the Jones family over for dinner, and as I was getting dressed you were doing tummy time, though, not for long! You had your very first tummy to back flip! You looked shocked and thrilled all at once.
Bellabean, before I met you, people explained to me that loving your baby was different than any other love. I believed them, but I could not possibly understand. I love your father as much as love is possible, I love my dear friends, I love my family, I love and have loved the furry family in my life, but loving you is like suddenly realizing that there are more senses than the five you've always known, or realizing you can now see in dimensions other than the three in front of you. This love is new and bold and life-changing and all-encompassing and different and wonderful. I love you until the end of the numbers.